Some design problems need to be worked out.
So I made some sketches.
- direction of the light coming from the eye:
influences the direction of the bridge
- bridge: straight, or going in a bend?
- with both sketches, the viewer's eye goes
away from the focus (not good!)
- with both sketches, the viewer's eye goes
away from the focus (not good!)
- with this direction of light,
the pillar on the bridge pulls the eye,
the bridge and the water together
the pillar on the bridge pulls the eye,
the bridge and the water together
© Bridge over Troubled Water, 24 x 30, Oil, St.Germain
- choppy water, something new to paint !
- choppy water, something new to paint !
-a fiery, yet stormy sky
-still to do: painting the supports of the pillar
to the bridge
- will do when I get the painting back home!to the bridge