This header is a pastel painting I did in 2009 is of a place in the Netherlands, my country of origin, after a photo shot by Dick Witte.

Some of the painters who have influenced me:
Mondriaan, Hopper
O"Keefe, Weyeth
Singer Sargent
van Gogh, Rembrandt
Picasso, Escher

Since this is my second blog page, it generally takes me longer (sometimes very long) to reply to your comments, but I do read and love them!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


© Bringing Gifts, 9 x 12. Oil, St.Gemain

The wise men....
they seem to stand out this year. 
Was it their knowledge about the stars? 
Was it their passion? 
Was it their sacrifice to travel so far?
Or was it their gifts?
It seemed so foolish to give the most 
exquisite gifts to a baby in a barn. 
Which brings me to conclude that 
sometimes wisdom appears foolish
And it's foolish not to learn from that.

- focus on worshipful attitude of wiseman
-the wonder of Mary
- the star that brought the wisemen 
to visit the stable
- display of their knowledge about the universe

- purple robe...color of kings

Monday, January 4, 2010


© Gifts of the Wise Men, 9 x 6, Oil., St.Germain 

- Still unfinished, what I started on Dec. 26
- since January 6 is it is the celebration of the Wise Men
 hope to finish it by then with notes 
on my meanderings of 
this little 9 x 6 inch oil painting